This is the tenth and final book in one of the most brillopads series i have ever read. It is part of the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison.
All of these books are written as if it is a diary, but unlike The Princess Diaries, it is not your typical 'Dear Diary, today i went to the shops blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda', it is much more 'in the moment'. It is really just the thoughts and experiences that are happening every few minutes for the main character, Georgia. If that makes sense.
The basic storyline, is, erm, there isn't much of a storyline. It is just Georgia Nicolson life and the mad things that happen in it. For instance, at one point of the 10th book her friend Rosie and Rosie's boyfriend, Sven, wear matching TIGHT catsuits when they go to a club. Instances like these happen very often in Georgia's life. But if there is one reason there is a book for these books (cause there has to be a reason otherwise 'what is the point?') is to show Georgia and her 'love' life. She and her boy chasing (and at times, boys chasing her) can have some pretty hilarious effects.
Georgia is one mad, mad girl. She talks in a way that most people with no madness in their soul would be like 'WTF?'. She says things like 'Marvy' and 'he is having a nervy b bordering on a stop to strop central'. This is why it is important to start at the begging of the series (unlike some people, who think they can skip right to the 6th book... grrrrr...) where it is more normal, so to get used to her way of speaking and not be all 'WTF?' when u open the book yourself. If you need any help deciphering the text, there is thankfully a glossary in the back of all the books.
As these books are set in England, lots of English slang is involved. For example, a 'fag' in England is in fact, not a homosexual, but a cigarette. So don't get upset if you read something saying 'Jacky lit up a fag', thinking she was setting fire to a gay person.
The books are a bit rudey dudey actually so if you are under 13 and not particularly mature, i do not suggest reading them. Also, if you are over 20 and you read them you may think they are a bit daft. The first book in the series is called Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging, so if you are think of reading it search for this title.
There is also a movie made of the first two books called Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, but be warned, if you watch the movie first and do not like it, it has quite a different feel to the books and vise versa.
Absolutely FAB-FABBITY-FAB read and i suggest it to everyone! Except guys off course ;)
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